
WoW Tips and Tricks about making gold in World of Warcraft.

What About Earning 1,000 Gold in 3 Minutes?

When people want to make gold, they generally think big or go mining for hours or so. It is a way to do it, but not the only way to do it.

Since my AH characters are level one, and since I like challenges, well, I want also to make them work and get gold without doing much.

In fact, with an investment of around 7 gold, without leaving Ironforge, you can make around 1,000 gold in a few minutes.

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From Honor to Gold For an Enchanter

Now, especially at the end of the season, you might be regularly honor capped (4,000 honor points). And when you have all the gear you can have, when you have the heirlooms and heirlooms upgrade you need, you might regularly be speculating about what to use this honor.

Many buy enchanting mats for honor.

That is okay, but that is a waste of honor points. There are a couple of things you can do that are much more profitable.

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Easy Cross Faction Trading

Cross faction deals can make you a lot of gold. But maybe you’ve wondered how you could get goods from one faction to the other?

Since you cannot mail items from Horde to Alliance or the other way around, and since the auction houses are either for Alliance or Horde, not both, you have to use the neutral auction houses.

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Making Gold on a Low Population Server

It is pretty easy to make gold on a high population server. There are so many players that anyone needs almost anything and anything can be sold to almost any price.

Even though you can make gold on a low population server, it is more difficult. You have to use another tactic.

First of all, you can forget the idea of making ten thousands of gold a day, like you can (or should be able to) on a high population server. You have to work in other ways.

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Dominate your AH

If you are found of AH, like I am, you know your prices. At least, the prices of the most common things you sell and buy, so you can quickly get a bargain.

For this, you can use different add-ons like Auctioneer or Auctionator (or both) which are the most popular (not my favorite but I will speak about that in a later article).

There is one more tool that is really important and that very few people use. A tool which keeps an eye on all the Auctions Houses in the World of Warcraft (US and EU): Horde, Alliance and Neutral.

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Serial Death Knight

When I got my first Death Knight, on Blade’s Edge (EU) at the time, it was something of an experience.

First, we had to level some character up to 55. It was without heirlooms, and without the overpower we have today, so it implicated a lot of deaths. You had to have a character up to 55 before you could make one, and one only, Death Knight on the server where you had this character. And not on any other.

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Kraken Tooth

I don’t know about you, but I still like Argent Tournament and even though you know can share the Crusader title between all your characters (level 80 and above), I do it with all my levels 77+ until they are crusaders.

Especially since it is a nice and quick way to get some cheap heirlooms if you want to start a new alt. I just see which of my characters has most Crusader’s Seals and she gets off to grind for heirlooms (you can get 14 seals a day in Argent Tournament). Sometimes, if I am in a hurry, I send 2 or 3 to grind in the same time. At high level, it goes pretty quick.

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