
What About Earning 1,000 Gold in 3 Minutes?

When people want to make gold, they generally think big or go mining for hours or so. It is a way to do it, but not the only way to do it.

Since my AH characters are level one, and since I like challenges, well, I want also to make them work and get gold without doing much.

In fact, with an investment of around 7 gold, without leaving Ironforge, you can make around 1,000 gold in a few minutes.

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How to DPS as a Beast Mastery Hunter

The hunter has really got a big burst in this Pandaria extension. Very often, while leveling my hunter, if I went into battleground (what I do pretty often), I was often at the top screen of DPS, even though I might be the lowest level of my team.

In fact, when you look at the damage-done scale at the end of a battleground, almost every time, you will see the first places are taken by hunters.

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From Honor to Gold For an Enchanter

Now, especially at the end of the season, you might be regularly honor capped (4,000 honor points). And when you have all the gear you can have, when you have the heirlooms and heirlooms upgrade you need, you might regularly be speculating about what to use this honor.

Many buy enchanting mats for honor.

That is okay, but that is a waste of honor points. There are a couple of things you can do that are much more profitable.

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Ballad of The Noob

Yes, I love noobs. I still cannot forget when I was a noob myself. When I discovered the game and got real puzzled about things, that today are very obvious. I do think we should take it easy on noobs.

Here is a little funny movie, The Ballad of the Noob. A MUST!

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Five Newbie Tips

We all have been newbies sometimes, or “noob” as the pejorative version is. Nim and I still remember how we wiped on Hogger back then, when he had 666 health and when I sold all my hard-picked flowers to… vendor! The first time I got one gold, it was almost an achievement for me. It took me a while, back then… So, if you are starting World of Warcraft, if you are newbie, or just if you want some advices to get a good start and to avoid some of the surprise I had, read on! (If you are not newbie, you can read them too… never know! I won’t tell a soul anyway!)

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