Inventory Is Full – Ways to Empty Your Bag, and a Way NOT To Do It

bank full - bags filledOne day, some of my friends asked me, if i would join them in a dungeon, and I said Yes, and jumped on the nearest bird. 11 minutes later I arrived, and then I remembered that I didn’t empty my bags before leaving. No bank or auction house in the neighbourhoud, of course, and I didn’t want to use 20 minutes to go to a big city and back.

So I thought of a smart way to empty my bags.

First I sold everything that should be sold to a vendor.

Then I took the things, I normally would have put into my bank account, and sold them to the vendor too. After all, if you regret having sold an item, you can buy it back, if you don’t sell more than ten items.

We did the dungeon, and after that we all went to another area to do quests. When we were finished, I wanted to buy my items back… but disaster had hit me!

All my things had disappeared. Nothing at all to buy back. I went back to the first vendor, where I sold the things, but no, still nothing.

Then I checked the Internet. Buy back doesn’t work if you change zone. Well, that has been changed since, and you can buy back, even if you travel to another zone, but it’s still not the wisest way to empty your bags.

Tip to empty your bag when you bank is full too

Yesterday, nearly the same thing happened. I was going to a dungeon, but was wise enough to visit a major city to find a bank. But my bank was full. I bought an extra slot, and quickly filled it with what I had in my bag: copper ore, different dusts to enchantings, clothes etc.

Bank was full again, and I still had lots of things in my bags. What to do?

Then a thought hit me (yes, that happens to me sometimes): What if I put some of the things for sale in auction house? Specific things… Things that I shouldn’t pay any deposit for, like copper ore, dust etc.

Since I didn’t really want to sell the items, I multiplied the normal price by three. That way, if I sold it, it would make me rich. If I didn’t sell it, I would have it back 12 hours later.

With my mind at ease, I took off to the dungeon and got a lot of nice loot.

Near a Mail Box?

Since I always have my bags stuffed for some reason, I’m queen of the quick-emptying bags-tricks.

If you’re near a mail box, you can send a lot of stuff, before going into a dungeon, to one of your alts. I mark those mails “return”, so that when my alt receives it, I just click the “Return” button, and it all returns to sender.

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