Create Your Bank Alt – A Day in the Life of an AH Char

24 04 2013 16 13 07

There are things to consider, before you go ahead and create your AH char. And those are: 

– Faction 
– Race 
– Class 
– Looks 
– Name 

In this article, I’ll deal with the first four issues. And then I’ll come back next week with more about how to name your bank alt. 

Faction – Horde or Alliance?
In most cases, you’ll want a bank alt within the same faction as your other chars, unless you’re going to do some form for arbitrage between the Horde auction houses and the alliances. This is not easy to do in retail WoW, since you cannot buy from your own chars, and you cannot send items (other than heirlooms and account bound items) from a char in one faction to the other.

Race – Yes, It Matters
Unless you plan on leveling up your bank alt to a certain level, you have to consider the race, you choose, and take the following into account.

– You want it to be easy to get to the nearest city with an auction house.

– You want bank and auction house to be near each other, since you cannot mount.

This automatically rules out three races: worgen, goblins and pandas. Those cannot leave the starting areas the first many levels.

From the alliance, I’ve often had Draenei AH chars, since it’s easy to get to Exodar, and bank and AH are very close to each other. It’s not even dangerous to get there with a level 1 character.

From the horde, I prefer to make a blood elf. First, because they look awesome. Second, because it’s easy to get to Silvermoon City, and totally without any danger. And third: There are two banks and two auction houses, and in both areas they are very close to each other.

Class – A Matter of Taste or Planning
Always remember that you might want to level up your bank alt at a later moment, so pick a class you would want to play.

Or you could twink the character at level 1. I’ll tell you more about this in a later article. But in that case, you should consider which class is the most suitable for twinking. Look at which abilities level 1 chars have, and pick your choice. If you don’t know what to take, then go rogue.

Looks – Make them Pretty
You’re going to look at your AH char at least once daily, so make it somebody you like looking at. Don’t just pick a random char, unless you really don’t care.

But if that was the case, you would probably not be reading this article in the first place.

The name matters a lot – not only because you have to like it. But because it could mean a lot for your business. So I’ll write a full article about that next week.

Until then, start considering which faction, race and class you will go after for your bank alt.

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