Leveling Zones in MoP

Hero s Call Board

“Where should I go to level up?”

You’ll see that question frequently in General chat and even on the Trade channel. And there is a huge require for more information about WoW leveling areas.

The Hero’s Call Boards that appeared with the Cataclysm patch has helped a lot, but still there are some un-answered questions.

Basically, you could go to the following WoW leveling areas:

Eastern Kingdoms
Dun Morogh 1-10 (Gnome & Dwarf starting zone)
Elwynn Forest 1-10 (Human starting zone)
Eversong Woods 1-10 (Blood Elf starting zone)
Tirisfal Glades 1-10 (Undead starting zone)
Gilneas 1-12 (Worgen starting zone)
Westfall 10-15 (Alliance)
Ghostlands 10-20 (Horde)
Loch Modan 10-20 (Alliance)
Silverpine Forest 10-20 (Horde)
Redridge Mountains 15-20 (Alliance)
Duskwood 20-25 (Alliance)
Hillsbrad Foothills 20-25 (Horde)
Wetlands 20-25 (Alliance)
Arathi Highlands 25-30
Northern Stranglethorn 25-30
Alterac Mountains 30-40
The Hinterlands 30-35
Cape of Stranglethorn 30-35
Western Plaguelands 35-40
Eastern Plaguelands 40-45
Badlands 45-48
Searing Gorge 48-50
Burning Steppes 50-52
Swamp of Sorrows 52-54
The Blasted Lands 54-58
The Scarlet Enclave 55-58 (Death Knight starting zone – Death Knights only)
Isle of Quel’Danas 70+ (Daily quest hub)
Vashj’ir 80-82 (Located underwater off the coast of Stormwind)
Twilight Highlands 84-85
Tol Barad 85+ (Daily quest hub)

Azuremyst Isle 1-10 (Draenei starting zone)
Durotar 1-10 (Orc & Troll starting zone)
Mulgore 1-10 (Tauren starting zone)
Teldrassil 1-10 (Night Elf starting zone)
Bloodmyst Isle 10-20 (Alliance)
Darkshore 10-20 (Alliance)
Azshara 10-20 (Horde)
Northern Barrens 10-20 (Horde)
Ashenvale 20-25
Stonetalon Mountains 25-30
Desolace 30-35
Southern Barrens 30-35
Dustwallow Marsh 35-40
Feralas 35-40
Thousand Needles 40-45
Tanaris 45-50
Felwood 45-50
Un’goro Crater 50-55
Winterspring 50-55
Silithus 55-60
Mount Hyjal 80-82
Uldum 83-84
Molten Front 85+ (Daily quest hub in Mount Hyjal)

Hellfire Peninsula 58-63
Zangarmarsh 60-64
Terokkar Forest 62-65
Nagrand 64-67
Blade’s Edge Mountains 65-68
Netherstorm 67-70
Shadowmoon Valley 67-70

Borean Tundra 68-72
Howling Fjord 68-72
Dragonblight 71-74
Grizzly Hills 73-75
Zul’Drak 74-77
Sholazar Basin 76-78
Storm Peaks 76-80
Icecrown 77-80

The Maelstrom
Kezan & The Lost Isles 1-12 (Goblin starting area)
Deepholm 82+ (Accessible via quest and earth shrine portal)

Jade Forest 85-86
Krasarang Wilds 86-87
Valley of the Four Winds 86-87
Kun-Lai Summit 87-88
Townlong Steppes 88-89
Dread Wastes 89-90
Vale of Eternal Blossoms 90+ (Daily quest hub)

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