Mail Expiring? How to Know What All Your Alts Have in Their Bags and Bank, Their Professions, Talents and All

If you’re as disorganised as me, you’ve probably lost mail in the mailbox, just because it’s been in there for 30 days. That hurts!

But luckily, a friend told me about a little helper that will tell me if any of my alts on any realm has mail that’s about to expire. And I can also look up their talents, glyphs, gear, everything they have in their bags and in their banks. I can see which pets and mounts every one has, and I can even go as far as to see everything my characters can craft. Even my guild mates recipes for jewelcrafting, enchanting, etc., if they have the same addon that I have.

Could this be handy for you?

Then you should get the addon called Altoholic.


If you see this warning about expiring mail, you can click into the activity pane to learn more. When I did so, it became clear that Fendi has mail that will soon either be returned or deleted.

altoholicYou can get more information by mousing over the numbers in red. It will then tell you how many days you’ve got to fetch your mail, how many mails will be returned, and how many will be deleted.

This warning will shop up, every time you log in with a character, no matter what realm you do it on.

If you check Guild Skills, you can see online members’ as well as offline members’ skills. And you can click on, say, leatherworking, and see exactly what they are capable of creating. You can do the same for your own chars, of course, and you can even link your profession in trade, whisper, guild chat, etc.

You’ll also get a short overview of everybody’s amount of gold, and your total amount of gold across servers. And you can follow every one of your characters achievements as well as just click and find out what gear you should get to upgrade your gear, and where you can get it from.

Did you ever miss an appointment in WoW, because you were playing on another realm or with another character? In Altoholic, you have a tab called Calendar, where you can see all of your characters’ calendar appointments. And if one of your chars craft something, and the crafting have a cooldown, (like Minor Inscription) you’ll get warning messages telling you, when that cooldown has gone, and you can go ahead and craft again.

You can easily install Altoholic, if you use Curse Client. Just search for Altoholic, and install. If you don’t use Curse Client, you can find Altoholic here:

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